This sophisticated cigar, handcrafted by the finest torcedores and featuring a Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper, elicits the aromas of cedar, coffee, and caramel, finishing with hints of earth and pepper.
The carefully handcrafted cigars of Hiram & Solomon evoke the very spirit of Brotherhood, allowing for reflection and insightful examination of the ideas and traditions we cherish. Our well-aged and elegantly crafted cigars weave a rich tapestry of flavor and identity that is best enjoyed with others.
Every Hiram & Solomon cigar is created with artistry and a commitment to quality and consistency, allowing our brand to stand proudly alongside the world's most respected and enjoyed premium cigar brands. From start to finish, smoking one is a complete experience that is memorable and thought-provoking.
Hiram & Solomon Cigars are handcrafted premium cigars that match the calibre of the Brethren and the spirit they embody for all to enjoy. Try a Hiram & Solomon cigar for men and women who take their commitments to tradition and good taste seriously.