Smoke Shack is a premium cigar company that offers the most extensive selection of exquisite cigars in United States, including multiple brands at very reasonable prices, all of which are stored in controlled humidity and Cedarwood walk-in humidors. We specialise in handcrafted cigars from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Ashton, Cohiba, Don Fidel, Oliva, Rocky Patel, and other well-known premium handmade cigar brands are among those in our portfolio. Some of our top brands have received 90+ ratings from Cigar Aficionado Magazine, classifying them as the "best cigars in the world." Aside from our handcrafted cigars, we also have attractive cigar accessories that are a must-have for your collection.

We have retail locations in Norfolk and Virginia, as well as two dedicated cigar lounges with the most beautiful lounge atmospheres for our guests to enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You can have a great time while browsing our extensive selection.

We went too far by purchasing a warehouse and converting it into a cigar warehouse with the largest selection of cigars in the state of Virginia at warehouse-level prices. It was known as the cigar lounge club.

In addition, our online store serves all cities in the country with zip codes. One of Cigar Smoke Shack's value adds is the expertise to advocate cigar etiquette in selecting the right cigar. No matter where you are, it is available on both the website and the phone, allowing you to have an amazing user-friendly interface. Because our website is mobile-friendly, it is now easier than ever to shop and interact with Smoke Shack Cigar while on the go, and it also allows you to peruse our extensive cigar collections and perfect picks.

You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram, and our blog. You'll find a wealth of information here, including cigar events, cigar news, new product releases, and much more about what's going on in the cigar industry. It will undoubtedly assist you in interacting with our cigar products and accessories via our ever-expanding social media presence.

We hope you find our simple online method of purchasing cigars to be the best online shopping experience you've ever had, allowing you to access our vast selection of premium cigars. For any reason, we want to provide you with the best customer service possible.


Happy Smoking! Team Smoke Shack Cigars