La Aroma De Cuba Edicion Especial is a fantastic cigar made in Nicaragua for the Ashton Cigar Company by the venerable Jose "Pepin" Garcia. Handcrafted in small batches by a select group of master rollers, this cigar was designed for the seasoned palate. La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial will be released in 2020 with a more dynamic blend derived from classic binder and filler tobaccos grown on Garcia family estates in Nicaragua's key tobacco-growing regions: Estel, Jalapa, and Namanji. The enhanced blend of premium aged tobaccos is encased in a lustrous higher-priming Ecuador Habano wrapper leaf. A woody, zesty, and Cubanesque finish resonates with a medium to full-bodied profile of smoked almonds, spices, dark cocoa, leather, and creamy espresso.
Shape: Toro
Size: 6 x 50
Strength: Medium - Full
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
Binder/Filler: Nicaraguan / Nicaraguan
Color: Colorado
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Blender: Don Pepin Garcia
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Box of 25