For good reason, AJ Fernandez Cigar Company is a pillar in the cigar world these days. Over the years, AJ has made significant investments in his farms and cigar manufacturing operation. For good reason, the H. Upmann Nicaragua Heritage is the second collaboration between H. Upmann and AJ Fernandez. The cigar represents AJ Fernandez and H.Upmann's shared values of tradition and quality. The collaboration provides adult premium cigar smokers with a varietal that is deeply rooted in a heritage that spans generations. The Nicaraguan H. Upmann AJ Fernandez Heritage is a blend that complements the acclaimed H.Upmann Nicaragua AJ Fernandez with unique extra-aged tobaccos. With a triple fermented Brazilian Mata Fina wrapper over a Habano Nicaraguan binder, this cigar has a silky, dark mocha Brazilian Mata Fina wrapper.
Shape: Churchill
Size: 7 x 54
Strength: Medium - Full
Wrapper: Brazilian Mata Fina
Binder/Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua
Color: Maduro
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Blender: AJ Fernandez
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Box of 20