With the cigar market clamouring for full-bodied smokes, we're seeing an increase in the availability of full-bodied small batch cigars. The Montecristo Epic is exactly that: a rich, solid, medium to full-bodied small-production cigar with the highest quality control from this illustrious cigar factory. The Montecristo Epic was created by the most skilled cigar makers with the sole intention of creating a masterpiece and a one-of-a-kind smoking experience. The Epic is made with only the best aged tobaccos from vintage years and delivers rich flavors that will satisfy aficionados everywhere. The tobaccos used in the Montecristo Epic blend are a special selection of some of the finest tobaccos from a variety of growing regions, contributing to its distinct flavor profile.
Shape: Toro
Strength: Medium - Full
Size: 6 x 52
Color: Colorado
Grade: Hand Rolled / Long Filler
Binder/Filler: Nicaragua / Nicaragua, Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Box of 10