Cohiba's Blue series, designed to be a "approachable, everyday" cigar, offers the history and prestige of the Cohiba name at a more affordable price point. Blue cigars are made in the Dominican Republic from Cohiba's proprietary Honduran Olancho San Agustin wrapper and binder, as well as a blend of Honduran Jamastran, Nicaraguan Ometepe, and Dominican Piloto Cubano leaf for the filler. Cohiba Blue cigars have earthy, nutty flavors with a hint of spice and cream for a medium-bodied smoke, and they're available in the Robusto vitola here.
Length: 5.5
Ring Gauge: 50
Country: Dominican Republic
Wrapper Type: N/A
Wrapper Country: Honduras
Filler Country: Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua
Binder Country: Honduras
Package Type: Box
Make: Handmade
Box Pressed: No
Box of 20