Foundry Cigars ignited the world with their one-of-a-kind line of finely crafted cigars. Their aged tobacco premium cigar blend takes you on a journey into the unknown, with tastes and flavors you've never tasted before. Foundry ignited the world with the release of their mild-medium gem, the Chillin' Moose, and their follow-up in a true treasure. The subtly stronger Chillin' Moose Too series introduced the moose to the world's Maduro cigar enthusiasts. A gorgeously dark and oily Connecticut Broadleaf tobacco holds a premium blend of aged Nicaraguan tobacco, resulting in a full-bodied smoke with rich sweet spice, cocoa, pepper, and vanilla flavors.
Michael Giannini of Team La Gloria Cubana/General Cigar designed Foundry cigars. These cigars were designed to be innovative, one-of-a-kind, and creative. The Foundry Chilling Moose Cigars will take you on a journey into the unknown with tastes and flavors you've never had before. The iconic and eponymous moose chilling is featured on the box and individual cigar label of the chilling moose cigars.